'Giles - A Creature Of Fiction!' Extract Of A Letter From Joss Whedon (foreword by Adam)

Created by Adam 4 years ago

To me, these words from 'Joe', (as he was known whilst at Winchester), typify Mum's whole being and in particular, the love and understanding she had of children. I struggled to deliver this sentence at the end of my eulogy to her and in case those of you watching the service on the webcast heard only 'sobbing', the extract can be seen below!

".........I don't know if you are aware but one of the main characters on my first show, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, is named after you, Rupert Giles. In the show he is known simply as 'Giles' and he plays the kind and handsome British Librarian who acts as Buffy's mentor. So the character of 'Giles' is very popular and you are now a 'creature of fiction'!

I gave him the name 'Giles', because it reminded me of the kind of grown-up, who understands and supports the children in their care, even if those children are a bit wild!"